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A Device implementation that can read and write to/from an I2C channel.


ConnectionI2C(int address, int scl_pin, int sda_pin)

address The I2C device’s address
scl_pin The GPIO pin connected to the SCL bus
sda_pin The GPIO pin connected to the SDA bus

template <typename T> bool read(int address, T* data, int length)

Read data from the I2C device
address The internal address to read from
data Data buffer to read into
length Length of data to read (number of elements)
returns True if the read is successful and false otherwise

template <typename T> bool write(int address, T* data, int length)

Write data to the I2C device
address The internal address to write to
data Data buffer to read from
length Length of data to write (number of elements)
returns True if the write is successful and false otherwise